Life Needs a Soundtrack (and so do my stories)

The Internet loves “Top 10 Lists,” and depending on the topic, so do I. Given this state of affairs, I thought I would make some of my own and share them here from time to time. Thus, without further ado, I give you… Christopher’s Top 10 Songs to Write To! (At Least Right Now) I…

Unique is Easier and Harder Than You Think

Let’s talk about worldbuilding. It’s one of the most crucial elements of any successful story, and don’t think you get out of it if you happen to be writing a story set in contemporary times and places. (Oh no. In some ways, it’s even harder for you, but I digress.) For the purpose of this…

A Good Place to Start

Naturally, since I’m a writer and you’re here reading my writings about writing, I think it makes sense to provide you with a little peek into my approach. Right? This will sound absolutely insane but here we go: I create a world, put characters in it, and watch things unfold. In case you weren’t sure,…

Introductions May Be In Order

Hi! My name is Christopher Roubique—though you probably already knew that if you wound up here. Like the header says, I’m an author of fantasy works, ranging from high fantasy to urban dream fantasy, as well as science fiction, ranging from dystopian to epic. The simplest way to describe it is that I love creating…